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(Illustrations by Susanna Lloes,

song lyrics: "Joglar")

Release your hair and caresses,

fes cabdells to the sorra.

Take off your light,

to every country you fas, petita fada.

I kiss again

amb la teva ombra, mentre probo d'apilar

all that is left over.

The cap in diu that

Proud of beasts,

el cor em diu que només sóc un joglar.

Life makes you feel...

si junts estem units quan cau la nit.

Quan sembla so disperse that in fer-me to my mateix d'acord the my essence...

It's like turning on a light in the water,

catching its light

through the water.

Life makes you feel

if together we are units,

illuminating the fog.

Trepitja the temps with the fulles of the trees, while I look to know

if we are made of marble.

The cap em diu que prou, que prou de beastieses. El cor em diu que només sóc un joglar.

And you,


water the time

with my heart and mind...

little fairy.

Little fairy ❤

🎨 by Susanna Lloes

📝 by Cesar Rampe

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